Nagios3 gives a warning on HTTP service monitoring


Already set up my local net configuration to be monitored by Nagios3.
I found a problem that Nagios3 reports a warning in the HTTP monitoring service of a Debian server set at ip, that has an individual virtual host and a mass virtual host for application development.
I get this status message:

HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

I used the Nagios tools to check. servername is the name of the vhost server name I used in the Apache configuration.

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H servername -I

receiving this status message:

HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK – 37900 bytes in 0.504 seconds |time=0.503946s;;;0.000000 size=37900B;;;0

But when I check like this:

/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -I

I get the same status message as the warning, so I assume that I don't have Nagios completely well set up because doesn't recognize the vhosts for that server, how it should be as the check_http service shows.

Where should I look to fix that warning?

Best Answer

how do you define service in nagios?

it should be sth like this:

define command{
command_name    my_check_http
command_line    $USER1$/check_http -H$ARG1$ -I $HOSTADDRESS$

define host{
use                     generic-host
host_name               something
alias                   something
# ...

define service{
use  generic-service
host_name something
# ...