Naked domain on Google Sites New


I've been messing with my DNS settings and can't figure out how to get this to work…

I have G Suite for, with a (new) Google Sites app published and accepting I have a CNAME in my DNS pointing www to Google, so and both work, with the http one doing a 301 to the https version, which is exactly what I want.

In my DNS (at GoDaddy), I have the base domain redirecting to – so requests to get forwarded properly.

The one leftover is – that one does not redirect because GoDaddy doesn't support it (I'd assume all hosting companies would be the same), but I want it to redirect like the others.

The only way I can think of is to have a live hosting account somewhere else, for, and have that redirect the browser over to www. I could do that with a static hosting (like Firebase) and use javascript, or app hosting with something like ASP.NET, and redirect directly in the response.

Is there an easier way, without using a separate hosting product?

Best Answer

I've been having the same issue almost 3 years later and it seems pretty clear that this is not possible through DNS/Google alone. You have to host somewhere separately with an SSL cert installed for the naked domain otherwise it won't work, so unfortunately the answer is: No

At least Google have updated their article to explicitly state that the redirect doesn't support https (some older posts I've found imply that this was not previously specified in the article.

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