Named-checkzone reports ‘’ has no address records (A or AAAA)


The first thing I see wrong is that its a recursion problem. But I'm not sure where the problems lie in my reverse lookup file. ns should report back as but instead getting Of course it wouldn't find any entries for that name because there isn't one, nor is it supposed to.

Here's my reverse file:

$TTL    86400
@       IN      SOA (
                              16071990          ; Serial
                         3600           ; Refresh
                          1800          ; Retry
                        604800          ; Expire
                         86400  ; Minimum TTL

@       IN      NS

It's not extraordinarily complicated. What my question is, what other files affect the output for named-checkzone when checking a name against the revers file?

Best Answer

That's the whole file? What domain name is this zone being used for?

You're getting informed that there are no A or AAAA records in it because there aren't. Your NS record is also relative to the zone, which I'm guessing is wrong (but I can't know for sure because you haven't made it clear what this zone's supposed to do).

You probably want this instead:

$TTL    86400
@       IN      SOA (
                              16071990          ; Serial
                         3600           ; Refresh
                          1800          ; Retry
                        604800          ; Expire
                         86400  ; Minimum TTL

@       IN      NS