Cisco ASA 5540 NAT Configuration – Outside to Inside Traffic


This is for a test lab setup:

landing server(—(.49.25/29)Cisco6500(.49.1/29)—(49.2)Cisco ASA(x.x.55.81)—External

The C6500 is the core of the test lab to which the "landing server" with IP Address is connected. The interface to which this server is connected has the IP I have 2 more L2 switches connected to the Cisco 6500 on 2 VLANs, namely VLAN 10 and 11 and some computers connected to those L2 switches. The communication between the devices connected to Cisco6500 works fine.

The Cisco ASA firewall (inside interface IP is connected to an interface on the Cisco6500 whose IP Address is Again, the rest of the devices connected to the Cisco 6500 is able to reach the inside interface of the Cisco ASA.

The outside interface of the Cisco ASA has the IP x.x.55.81. The requirement is that users from the outside should be able to reach (server IP) when they RDP to x.x.55.81. Once they reach this landing server, users will telnet or SSH to other devices and servers for their testing.

I am unable to get ASDM work on my machine and so my only option is CLI. But what route, NAT, etc do I need and what commands do I use. Please help.

Best Answer

ok you need free ip address from your offical net x.x.55.81. on the asa in global configuration mode (conf t) you had to create a static nat from inside to outside

static (inside,outside) x.x.55.81

after that you had to allow traffic to the server on the outside interface. with the commad

show run access-group 

you get the acl name bind to the outside interface. you can allow traffic on the acl in global configuration mode for RDP access

access-list ACL-Name permit tcp any host x.x.55.81 eq 3389

or for a specified host

access-list ACL-Name permit tcp host a.b.c.d host x.x.55.81 eq 3389

or net

access-list ACL-Name permit tcp netaddress subnetmask host x.x.55.81 eq 3389