Nat – how to setup sonicwall tz210 to port forward packets received from external ip to another external ip


i have a sonicwall tz210 on a fixed ip, say ip1. And then i have, let's say a legacy server, with external ip ip2, which sends data to ip1 (and I have another server on ip1 behind the sonicwall which receives and processes that data). I would like to set up a new server on a different external ip ip3 that will receive and process data from the legacy server.

How can I setup the sonicwall so that the packets received from the legacy server (from an external ip) are port forwarded to the external ip address ip3?

Best Answer

Change the Translated NAT policy to point to the new server. Assuming this is what your NAT policy currently looks like here's what you would want to change:


Source Original     Translated     Destination Original     Translated          Service
ip2                 Original       ip1                      old_internal_ip1    ip2_service_group


Source Original     Translated     Destination Original     Translated          Service
ip2                 Original       ip1                      new_internal_ip3    ip2_service_group