Nat – Multiple devices with one IPv6 to the Internet


I want to connect several devices (in the LAN) to the Internet via a single public IPv6 address.

Unfortunately I did not find a good way to do this. The only idea I had was to tunnel everything from the PF/OPNsense via OpenVPN to an Raspberry Pi or similar before the Sense and then go to the Internet with the IPv6 from the Pi.

The planned setup would be Internet (WAN) – Fritzbox (LAN1) – PFSense / OPNsense (with WAN interface) – LAN2

Are there any other possibilities? The VPN solution is not really nice.

Why? Assigning each (private) device its own public IP (also with privacy extension) simplifies tracking. In addition, some devices do not have a privacy extension or it is not active.

Best Answer

IPv6 is designed to not do that. Trying IPv4 style NAT with IPv6 will break things. That said, I'm pretty sure you can do NAT IPv6 with Linux iptables, so it's not impossible. But I would strongly recommend not to do it.