Nat – pfSense not forwarding back packets


I have a pfSense box setup where my WAN interface (em0) is set up in my local network ( and my LAN interface (em1) is a private network of its own ( The end goal is to have the 10.0.0.x network as private malware lab where devices on that network cannot talk to anything on the 192.168.1.x network directly. Though, I would like to punch holes in the pfSense firewall to allow traffic from 192.168.1.x network to access services in the private network, such as FTP, HTTP, SMB, SSH, etc. So if I FTP to (WAN interface) then it'll route though to the FTP server running on a device internal to 10.0.0.x. Currently I can see that my FTP server gets a TCP SYN packet, but nothing else happens.

enter image description here

And I can see some FTP traffic through pfSense with tcpdump.

enter image description here

Here's my NAT port forwarding rules (they also have an associated filter rule).

enter image description here

And also if it's helpful, my LAN firewall rules as well.

enter image description here

I thought that maybe there was an error with my blocking rules to block 192.168.1.x traffic from the 10.0.0.x network, but I have that rule disabled. I'm at a total loss and don't understand what is going wrong, so any help would be super appreciated!

Best Answer

The Wireshark screenshot on the FTP server is interesting -- the lack of a response suggests that it either can't (routing/NAT issues) or won't (firewall) respond. My ideas:

  • Does the FTP server have a local firewall (check with iptables -L -vn) dropping any traffic? If iptables's INPUT or OUTPUT chains have the DROP policy but you don't have rules allowing FTP traffic and related/established connections in and out, that would be a problem.
  • Does traffic to the SSH and HTTP ports (provided those services are running) suffer the same fate as FTP traffic? I'm no expert, but FTP often uses multiple ports (20 and 21), so it might be good to rule out weird behavior specific to FTP.
  • Can you get a TCP connection from another machine on the 10.0.0.x subnet to the FTP server? Can any traffic from the FTP server get out to the 192.168.1.x network? If traffic within the 10.0.0.x subnet is behaving properly but no traffic can get out, there may be an issue with routing, NAT, or firewall settings on the pfSense box.