Debian NAT64 – Configuration Guide


Update 2: I wrote a quick&dirty tutorial for Jool on Debian 11, since their website is very thorough, but also slightly confusing and the examples too complex for most cases.

I'm looking to go IPv6 native and need a NAT64 implementation on my Debian routers. Is tayga still the way to go, as it's in the user space and all? Is there no kernel equivalent to "iptables … -j MASQ" for NAT64?

Also with tayga you need a lot of addresses:
Should I use 64:ff9b::/96 as the "prefix" as proposed by RFC 6052 or some public prefix from my site's range as suggested by litech?
Also it needs an "dynamic-pool" of IPv4 addresses, can I just use any RFC1918 addresses, and do I have to take care of routing those IPV4 addresses? And if so, how, if I have several internal IPv6 networks?
And finally it seems to require my "routers IPv4 address", but what if that's dynamic?

I'm slightly confused…

For the sake of discussion let's assume I'm using the IPv6 prefix 2001:db8:cafe:2000::/56 and the IPv4 prefix for my home office and I have several spare prefixes available.

Best Answer

What you want is probably It's a kernel module that implements NAT64.

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