Need Immediate Roaming Profile / Folder Redirection file save with RDS Farm Windows Server 2008


I have roaming profiles set up with additional folder redirection deployed by GPO in a 2008 R2 RDS farm environment.

They are working well, but files added to folder locations in the profile (such as saving a file to the desktop) only replicate to the redirected location at logout.

Is there any way I can set this up so files are immediatley saved to the network location while the user is working prior to logout? My concern is that in the event of a server crash a user could lose hours of working data.

Thanks in advance, any relevant info one way or the other will get a vote.

Best Answer

You can do two things:

  1. Have your users save their files to the redirected folders, such as My Documents, rather than saving to a folder in the roaming profile, such as the desktop.

  2. Redirect their desktop folder.