Need to know how to change ip address and hostname after deploying OVF template


In ESX, I export OVF of my VM (configured as dhcp). Then In another ESX, I use "deploy OVF template" from file menu. My new VM appears working, except I could not change the IP address and hostname.

VM: GuestOS: CentOS5.4 + my application

In the new VM's summary tub,
IP Addresses: (dhcp address)
DNS : xx-a50055

I changed:


I could not figure out what I have missed.


Best Answer

A deployed OVF often creates a new network interface, possibly ifcfg-eth1. This is because udev rules often bind a MAC address to name of the NIC. You can verify this by having a look at /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-net.rules.

I can recommend two solutions:

  1. You either delete /etc/udev/rules.d/*-persistent-net.rules before you export, or
  2. you deploy as OVF and adapt /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 (or whatever the new interface config file is called) to provide a static IP.