Networking – Network Cable Color Conventions Explained


Are there any color conventions for network cable? I'm talking jacket color here, not the color of the individual conductors. I've seen and used mostly grey and blue which is what's usually readily available. I have to make a few runs and using some color would help differentiate them up in the rafters. However, I don't want to choose a particular color if it has some special meaning in the realm of professional installers.

Best Answer

While I doubt there is not a universal convention for colouring network cables (we use yellow for staff lan, green for test lan, blue for voice, orange for fibre, red for firewall / public lan), it's more important that you:

  • Define a standard that is relevent to your requirements
  • Document, publish and publicise the standard
  • Adhere to the standards

In my experience (and I'm NOT a networks person btw), but rushed and hurried network installations take a VERY long time to fix. Poor cable management, poorly planned installations and messy unorganised cables (not just comms cables ;) is very unprofessional and very expensive to fix later.