Network Topology for Switch Redundancy


I am trying to improve redundancy we had our main switch go crazy and take down the network. I am looking to add another switch for redundancy. I am very unfamiliar with STP and if it is needed in this case, or if there is another way that I should be looking at this. We are currently using 4 port LAGs, and have VLANs on two of the switched to vSphere.

Current Topology:

Proposed Topology:

Am I headed in the right direction? Do I need to enable STP in this scenario? Thank you for any guidance!

Best Answer

If you can "stack" the 2 proposed "core switches", that would be the easiest thing to setup and would allow for "redundancy. You would have the same LAG groups but with ports on each physical switch and then a 2 port LAG to the router at the top.

If you can't stack them, then what you are proposing in your proposal pic is more like VRRP or similar. That takes some pretty decent networking knowledge and the switches have to support such a setup. It's not a hard thing to get setup, but it will take some planning and decent knowledge on how VRRP works.

A "cheap" alternative based on your pics is:

  • make your "redundant switch" simply your cold spare. Load it up with the same firmware and config as the primary switch and if that switch fails or has issues just physically swap in the cold spare.

But your question sounds like you could be in over your head a little. If possible, grab a consultant or trusted VAR of your networking equipment (their sales engineers are often happy to help) and work out the best setup for your shop. In the end, you'll learn something and understand it better.

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