NetworkManager does not bring up interface after reboot


I create an OVS bridge with:

# ovs-vsctl add-br br-int

This create a netdevice that I can see in ifconfig. And then I create a NetworkManager connection and bring it up:

# nmcli connection add type generic con-name br-int autoconnect yes ifname br-int ip4
# nmcli con up br-int ifname br-int

However, each time after I reboot the host (Ubuntu 16.04) the connection has to be manually brought up again. Is there a way to tell NetworkManager to automatically bring up this interface once OVS has created it?

Best Answer

Set connection.autoconnect property true for the connection br-int.

To modify the connection settings like: nmcli connection modify br-int connection.autoconnect true

You can also use nmtui command instead fight with nmcli command.