New user added but having error in AIX 7.1


I newly add a user name perfmgr in AIX 7.1 using smitty, however when I try to change the password it output and error as below:

# passwd perfmgr
Changing password for "perfmgr"
3004-616 User "perfmgr" does not exist.
3004-709 Error changing password for "perfmgr".

Im using root to run above command.

This is quite weird since I can see this user perfmgr are available under /etc/passwd:

# grep perfmgr /etc/passwd

Then I try to remove this user using smitty, but same error occurred again,

User "perfmgr" does not exist.

Need advise for this issue since cannot found the correct way to remove or fix this user.

Best Answer

I found the issue, the issue is there are no registry line for user perfmgr under /etc/security/user file.

        admin = false
        registry = files

However, before that I fix the other thing where my perfmgr are not sync with other file using below command,

pwdck -y perfmgr

Then, after I run this command I proceed to manually create 'registry=files' line under /etc/security/user file as above.

Hope this helps other user which encountered this issue.