New Windows 10 Pro install, domain join, can’t login

active-directorydomain-controllerwindows 10windows-server-2008-r2

I have a PC I newly imaged with Windows 10 Pro. I joined it to the domain without issues, but I cannot log in with a domain account. I get an error about the password not being valid. If I login with the local admin account, it works just fine. I have added all the user accounts to the machine with and without admin rights. I created a few generic test accounts, made sure the firewall is not in the way, but I still cannot get logged in with domain credentials of any kind. This is driving me nuts. I even have the current Windows 10 ADMX for the GPO installed.

The domain controller is Windows Server 2008R2 with all the current patches. The other machines are Windows 10 but upgraded from Windows 7 and already where joined to the domain. So I am at a loss as to what the heck is the issue.

Best Answer

If DOMAIN\username isn't working then try the FQDN (eg\username)