NFS alternative


I'm running a storage server that has to mount home-dirs of different users at several (5) centos servers. The NFS storage server has direct Fibrechannel storage (with high speed, verified).

When the NFS is mounted on a client, big file writes go fast (30MB/s). However lots of small files have a serious problem. If I write to the NFS, or even worse, copy files from one folder on the NFS to another NFS folder, this is very slow (~100kB/s). A first search revealed that NFS has the problem of doing slow file creations (somewhere 30 files /s). I understand that this will be a cause of slow speed with lots of small files.

Can this be solved with another NFS configuration or by using another protocol?
It would not be feasable that users have to copy their files to a local disk each time.

my NFS configuration:

/NFSFOLDER IP/MASK(rw,sync,no_root_squash_subtree_check)

at client side:
IP:/NFSFOLDER /mountpoint nfs4

NFS settings are set to defaults.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

This slow behavior is caused by the "sync" directive on you NFS export. You can change it to "async" for better performance, but you need to understand what it means in regard to data safety.

I suggest you to read the exports (5) man page: