Nfs – Fastest way to share a Solaris (ZFS) file system with two windows servers


I am setting up a 16TB Storage server (which will eventually double in capacity) to store media. This server needs to be read from by two windows server 2008 clients which host our companies applications. I've heard of iSCSI but it seems from what I've read that iScsi treats the target server as if it was directly connected hard drive thus making it very hard to share with two clients as they would randomly write and read data which would mess things up.

So, what software / hardware combination can I use to get high read speeds on the windows side? Right now I am considering 2 dual gigabit ethernet nics with TOE and NFS but I don't want to purchase the nics until I'm sure that it will be fast enough.


Best Answer

Ok, so let me get this straight. You have direct-attached storage on a server but you want to share files on it with two other Windows 2008 servers? Why not use Samba and be done with it? Samba basically turns your Solaris server into a domain-member file server. Just install Samba, set up your file shares, and let the Windows 2008 servers access the files from there.

If you are wanting to do some kind of shared-cluster solution, you'll need to use a clustering filesystem. Yes, iSCSI is meant to provide block-level sharing. However, with a clustering filesystem, you would use something like iSCSI as a layer beneath it to share physical disk space.

I guess the issue is that you need to clarify what the 2008 servers will use the Solaris install for. This would at least give an idea about what kind of sharing is involved.