Nfs – How to recover from a hung machine with an ‘nfs server *** not responding’ error


nfs server *** not responding
nfs server *** not responding
nfs server *** not responding
nfs server *** not responding
nfs server *** not responding
nfs server *** not responding

I am getting this repeatedly and machine is hung. How can I stop that request?

I cannot initiate a new ssh connection also.

Best Answer

You can try using umount -f to forcibly unmount. Depending on disk activity, it hasn't always worked for me; sometimes I've had to cycle the machine (unless I could restore the service).

For the future, you can look into whether mount_nfs arguments -i (interruptible), -s (soft mount), or -Rn (maximum retry count) are appropriate for your environment.

I wasn't able to quickly tease out a gold standard for this, but here are some related items: