NFS mount failing in OpenVZ container but working in Ubuntu


I am running a debian 6.0 open VZ container and can't get my NFS share to mount. The error I am getting is mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: timed out, giving up

However, using the same exact command in ubuntu 13.04 works. The NFS share is on my FreeNAS and is exported to the entire network. I have installed the nfs-common and dependencies on both… Is there anything special with the openVZ containers since they aren't running their own kernel?

EDIT: I am using proxmox 3.0-13 as the container host

Best Answer

did you do :

be sure to stop the container first:

vzctl stop <container id>

enable nfs for the container:

vzctl set <container id> --features "NFS:ON" --save

restart the container:

vzctl start <container id>

I run nfs clients on containers all the time with this setup.

Only oddity I find is once in a while the container won't auto mount nfs shares that are in the /etc/fstab

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