Nfs – Multiple NFS share from a single client


is it possible to export more than one nfs share for a single client?
in my /etc/export i have:

 /share/dir1  client1_hostname*(rw,fsid=0,sync,no_root_squash)
 /share/dir2  client1_hostname*(rw,fsid=0,sync,no_root_squash)

on the client side when i mount the directries

 mount -t  nfs server_ip:/share/dir1 /client/dir1
 mount -t  nfs server_ip:/share/dir2 /client/dir2

the mount is successfuly, but both mounts end up looking at the first exported directory from the server.

is what i am trying to do possible?

Regards and thanks.

Best Answer

The method is valid but I believe the issue is that you've got fsid=0 set on both. You do not need to set fsid. Remove it, and rexport with exportfs -r -a