Nfs – Stale NFS handle


I have several xen guest OSs that get their root file system from NFS. I changed /etc/network/interfaces on some of them (on the nfs server) and then rebooted them. Now I get lots of 'Stale NFS handles' when booting them up. I've rebooted the guest OSs a few times and I'm getting the same problem. How do I fix this?

Best Answer

Did you reboot the NFS server? Did you do some sort of bulk move, rename or deletion of files or directories on the server? Are the clients changing files that other clients are trying to access?

The normal source of a "stale NFS file handle" is files being removed on the server. Especially if a directory is removed. The usual fix is unmounting and remounting the volume, or rebooting the client. With some NFS server implementations, rebooting the server can cause this error, too.

It sounds like there's something else going on here than the usual causes and more detail might be needed.