Nfs – Trying to mount an NFS directory from a Mac with another user


I have a username on an ubuntu server, lets call it user a. I want to mount a directory from that server to my Mac, on which I have another username, lets call it user b.
My problem is that, after I mount the directory (using the disk utility app) I can view files on the server but can't modify or create new files on it.

I checked, and if I change the permissions of the server directory so that its open to everyone (chmod 777), I can write to it. So what I need to know, is how can I specify the username and password in the NFS client when setting up the mount? That is, I want to specify that I'm trying to log in as user a to the server.

Best Answer

@Yair - It sounds like you could just add a user on the Linux side to match the Mac side down to the matching UID. Then give that user rights to the directory. NFS doesn't sound wrong at all in this case, just that you have a little more work to set it up the way you want.