Nftables – Nftables Support for String Matching


Iptables can match packets by string.

Example for dns:

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 53 -m string --hex-string "|09|proxypipe|03|net" --algo bm -j DROP

How to perform such matching in nftables?

Best Answer

With nftables, you can use Raw Payload Expression syntax (documented here) to match a packet based on the contents of a chunk of bits.

So, a rule to block queries for would look like this:

meta l4proto udp udp dport 53 @th,160,120 0x0970726f787970697065036e657400 counter drop comment "block queries for"

The above would grab 120 bits worth of data, starting from bit 160 of the transport header (@th), and compare them to the hex equivalent of |09|proxypipe|03|net

Note that unlike the iptables version, the above would only match at a fixed position in the packet. This means that it wouldn't block or any other subomains.

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