Nginx – Allow connections to only a specific URL via HTTPS with iptables, -m recent (potentially) and -m string (definitely)


Let's say that, for example, I want to allow connections only to; I have it partially working, but it sometimes gets in a freaky loop with the client key exchange once the Client Hello is allowed. Ah, to make it even more annoying, it's a self-signed certificate, and the page requires authentication, and HTTPS is listening on a non-standard port… So the TCP/SSL Handshake experience will differ greatly for many users.

Is -m recent the right route? Is there a more graceful method to allow the complete TCP stream once the string is seen?

Here's what I have so far:

#iptables -N SSL
#iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -j SSL
#iptables -A SSL -m recent --set -p tcp --syn --dport 400
#iptables -A SSL -m recent --update -p tcp --tcp-flags PSH,SYN,ACK SYN,ACK --sport 400
#iptables -A SSL -m recent --update -p tcp --tcp-flags PSH,SYN,ACK ACK --dport 400
#iptables -A SSL -m recent --remove -p tcp --tcp-flags PSH,ACK PSH,ACK --dport 400 -m string --algo kmp --string "" -j ACCEPT

Yes, I have tried to get around this with nginx tweaks, but I can't get nginx to return a 444 or abrupt disconnect before the client hello, if you can think of a way to achieve this instead, I'm all ears, err, eyes.

(As suggested by a user, bringing this inquiry over from

Best Answer

This seems like an awfully complex way of solving the problem. What if you just put on a unique IP address and then use that in your iptables rules?

I'm curious...what exactly are you trying to solve that can't be solved using the nginx allow/deny options? It's true that this requires the SSL negotiation to complete (because nginx doesn't know what the client is requesting until after the SSL connection is established), but that's okay in most cases.