Nginx – Amazon Load Balancer gives out Error 503

amazon ec2httpsload balancingnginxWordpress

My website is currently on HTTP only. The route to my website is like this: DNS (Route53) -> Server (Amazon EC2 running LEMP stack and WordPress).

Now I'm trying setting up TLS encryption on the website. I've decided to make a certificate on ACM and use it for a new load balancer. The route will be:
DNS -> Load Balancer (with HTTPS listener) -> Server (still HTTP).

I've successfully created the load balancer. Health check passed (Ping target: HTTP:80/license.txt). I update the DNS to point to the load balancer.

As the certificate is for www version of the site, I've configured NGINX to force www and updated WordPress URL (

Now the site is giving out Error 503 (Back-end server is at capacity). Is there anything to be done on server or load balancer?

Best Answer

Have you tried to connect directly to the server?. I doesn't look like an ELB problem it looks like an instance/server problem.

The 503 description quote:

The Web server (running the Web site) is currently unable to handle the HTTP request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.

It looks like there is a problem with your Web Server