Nginx/Apache not accessible from outside, SSH is accessible. Firewall disabled


I have ports 37000-37100 redirected to my computer. SSH is accessible when listening on any of these ports (by default I'm using 37022, but tried on 37080 and it's OK).

I can only access Nginx on a local IP (example: http : // 192 .168 .49 .198 : 37080), though. When I try to connect from outside (http : // our_network's_ip:37080), the browser times out after a while. PLEASE READ UPDATE BELOW.
I installed Apache just to make sure and it's the same. Stock install, only ports are changed.

The UTF is disabled.

I've done it a hundred times on various home networks and it always worked. This time it's an office network and I'm not the person who configures the router. I'd say the problem's there, but SSH is working… .

Ubuntu 12.10.

Any ideas?

UPDATE: actually I can access my computer from outside networks, I only can't access my computer FROM my own network when I use my network's "external" IP.

Best Answer

On your host where the Nginx runs, try using tcpdump to monitor if there are any packets arriving on your server where you expect them. Otherwise the problem is almost certainly some other configuration like in the router or whatever other network devices you have.

for example to see packets on tcp port 37080 it would be

tcpdump -i any tcp port 37080