Nginx – APC or Memcached – Nginx php-fpm wordpress


I am using a wordpress installation on

Ubuntu 16 
Php-fpm (latest version)

I intend to use W3 total cache for caching purposes and was wondering whether I should be going for Memcached or APC ?

Any experiences to share?

Best Answer

Exactly our setup. Well, APC is dead as others have commented. On ubuntu, officially killed since Ubuntu 14.

You're left with mainly two mainstream options:

  • Memcached: fantastic and fast as a simple key/value store. Works on windows too.

  • Redis: same as above but considerably slower if you just need a simple key/value store. Redis has far more options though, with rich data, pub/sub, etc. Said to work on windows, but we haven't tested.

From our experience, Memcached is great, easy to implement and because it works on windows, it allows our developers to keep a complete windows development stack locally on their workstations/laptop without servers or virtual machines.