Nginx – Best way to deploy the node.js app on a Varnish/Nginx server


I am about to deploy a brand new node.js application, and I need some help setting this up.

The way my setup is right now is as follows.

I have Varnish running on external_ip:80

I have Nginx behind running on internal_ip:80

Both are listening on port 80, one internal port, one external.

NOTE: the node.js app runs on WebSockets

Now I have the my new node.js application that will listen on port 8080.

Can I have varnish set up that it is in front of both nginx and node.js.

Varnish has to proxy the websocket to port 8080, but then the static files such as css, js, etc has to go trough port 80 to nignx.

Nginx does not support websockets out of the box, else I would so a setup like:

varnish -> nignx -> node.js

Best Answer

Having just setup a project that is essentially identical to what you describe, I'll share my approach - no guarantees that it is 'the best', but it does work.

My server stack is

  • Varnish (v3.0.2) - all interfaces, port 80
  • Nginx (v1.0.14) - local interface, port 81
  • Node.js (v0.6.13) - local interface, port 1337
  • Operating system is CentOS 6.2 (or similar)

My Node.js app uses Websockets ( - v0.9.0) and Express (v2.5.8) - and is launched using forever. (The same server also has other sites on it - primarily PHP which use the same instances of Nginx and Varnish).

The basic intention of my approach is as follows:

  • Single public port/address for both websocket and 'regular' data
  • Cache some assets using Varnish
  • Serve (uncached) static assets directly from nginx
  • Pass requests for 'web pages' to nginx, and from their proxy to Node.js
  • Pass web socket requests directly (from Varnish) to Node.js (bypass nginx).

Varnish config - /etc/varnish/default.vcl:

#Nginx - on port 81
backend default {
  .host = "";
  .port = "81";
  .connect_timeout = 5s;
  .first_byte_timeout = 30s;
  .between_bytes_timeout = 60s;
  .max_connections = 800;
#Node.js - on port 1337
backend nodejs{
  .host = "";
  .port = "1337";
  .connect_timeout = 1s;
  .first_byte_timeout = 2s;
  .between_bytes_timeout = 60s;
  .max_connections = 800;

sub vcl_recv {
    set req.backend = default;

    #Keeping the IP addresses correct for my logs
    if (req.restarts == 0) {
        if (req.http.x-forwarded-for) {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For =
            req.http.X-Forwarded-For + ", " + client.ip;
        } else {
            set req.http.X-Forwarded-For = client.ip;

    #remove port, if included, to normalize host
    set req.http.Host = regsub(req.http.Host, ":[0-9]+", "");

    #Part of the standard Varnish config
    if (req.request != "GET" &&
      req.request != "HEAD" &&
      req.request != "PUT" &&
      req.request != "POST" &&
      req.request != "TRACE" &&
      req.request != "OPTIONS" &&
      req.request != "DELETE") {
        /* Non-RFC2616 or CONNECT which is weird. */
        return (pipe);
    if (req.request != "GET" && req.request != "HEAD") {
        /* We only deal with GET and HEAD by default */
        return (pass);

    #Taken from the Varnish help on dealing with Websockets - pipe directly to Node.js
    if (req.http.Upgrade ~ "(?i)websocket") {
        set req.backend = nodejs;
        return (pipe);

    ###Removed some cookie manipulation and compression settings##

    if(req.http.Host ~"^(www\.)?"){
            #Removed some redirects and host normalization
            #Requests made to this path, even if XHR polling still benefit from piping - pass does not seem to work
        if (req.url ~ "^/") {
            set req.backend = nodejs;
            return (pipe);

    #I have a bunch of other sites which get included here, each in its own block
    }elseif (req.http.Host ~ "^(www\.)?othersite.tld"){

 #Part of the standard Varnish config
 if (req.http.Authorization || req.http.Cookie) {
        /* Not cacheable by default */
        return (pass);

    #Everything else, lookup
    return (lookup);

sub vcl_pipe {
    #Need to copy the upgrade for websockets to work
    if (req.http.upgrade) {
        set bereq.http.upgrade = req.http.upgrade;
    set bereq.http.Connection = "close";
    return (pipe);
 #All other functions should be fine unmodified (for basic functionality - most of mine are altered to my purposes; I find that adding a grace period, in particular, helps.

Nginx config - /etc/nginx/*/

server {
    listen *:81;
    root /var/www/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/ info;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/ timed;

    #removed error page setup

    #home page
    location = / {
        proxy_pass http://node_js;

    #everything else
    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ @proxy;
    location @proxy{
        proxy_pass http://node_js;

    #removed some standard settings I use

upstream node_js {

I am not particularly crazy about the repetition of the proxy_pass statement, but haven't gotten around to finding a cleaner alternative yet, unfortunately. One approach may be to have a location block specifying the static file extensions explicitly and leave the proxy_pass statement outside of any location block.

A few settings from /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:

real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;

log_format  timed  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                   '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                   '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for" '
                   '$request_time $upstream_response_time $pipe';

port_in_redirect off;

Among my other server blocks and settings, I also have gzip and keepalive enabled in my nginx config. (As an aside, I believe there is a TCP module for Nginx which would enable the use of websockets - however, I like using 'vanilla' versions of software (and their associated repositories), so that wasn't really an option for me).

A previous version of this setup resulted in an unusual 'blocking' behaviour with the piping in Varnish. Essentially, once a piped socket connection was established, the next request would be delayed until the pipe timed out (up to 60s). I haven't yet seen the same recur with this setup - but would be interested to know if you see a similar behaviour.