Nginx – Can Location Blocks Match a URL Query String?


Can nginx location blocks match a URL query string?

For example, what location block might match HTTP GET request

GET /git/sample-repository/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack HTTP/1.1

Best Answer

Can nginx location blocks match a URL query string?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: There is a workaround if we have only a handful of such location blocks.

Here's a sample workaround for 3 location blocks that need to match specific query strings:

server {
  #... common definitions such as server, root

  location / {
    error_page 418 = @queryone;
    error_page 419 = @querytwo;
    error_page 420 = @querythree;

    if ( $query_string = "service=git-receive-pack" ) { return 418; }
    if ( $args ~ "service=git-upload-pack" ) { return 419; }
    if ( $arg_somerandomfield = "somerandomvaluetomatch" ) { return 420; }

    # do the remaining stuff
    # ex: try_files $uri =404;


  location @queryone {
    # do stuff when queryone matches

  location @querytwo {
    # do stuff when querytwo matches

  location @querythree {
    # do stuff when querythree matches

You may use $query_string, $args or $arg_fieldname. All will do the job. You may know more about error_page in the official docs.

Warning: Please be sure not to use the standard HTTP codes.