Nginx – Cannot loopback to localhost php gateway causing nginx to timeout while setting up firewall with ufw


I'm setting up ufw for the first time. Using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on an OpenVZ VPN and have the following rules:

sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 25/tcp
sudo ufw allow 53
sudo ufw allow 80
sudo ufw allow 443
sudo ufw default deny

SSH and everything else works fine, and I can access static content on nginx. However when I visit a PHP page, it takes ages before giving a 504 Gateway Time-out page. I'm using php5-fpm

I've tried a number of rules including the following:

allow from to port 9000
allow from port 9000 to port 9000
allow 9000
allow from to

But none of them fix the problem. As soon as I turn off the firewall, everything works fine. Php5-fpm is definitely running and using port 9000.

Any help appreciated, thanks! I'll post back if I work it out.

Additional config:

Best Answer

Right.. I think that a lot of the confusion is because of UFW, so I'll make the recommendation that you stop using it, and spend some time learning how iptables itself works. It's much more common to use iptables directly, instead of a wrapper around it.

In the meantime.


allow from
allow in on lo0
allow out on lo0