Nginx configuring worker_rlimit_nofile and worker_processes


My site recently got lots and lots of traffic and I think the issue was the nginx was spending too much time scheduling requests. I increased my worker_processes and that seemed to fix the problem.

Honestly, I do not really understand why.

I was wondering if someone could point me to/explain how nginx workers work, and what the worker_rlimit_nofile is, so I could have a better conceptual understanding for future changes I have to make.

Best Answer

In nginx worker_processes are the number of processes nginx will spawn. Default is 1 , worker_rlimit_nofile is the maximum file descriptors that can be opened by each worker process. Be careful when you increase worker_processes, because this will impact in the number of max. clients your server will handle. worker_processes values of 2 or 4 are ok when working on multiprocessor machines.

Also you can change the worker_connections parameter which is the maximun number of connections for each worker process.

It seems that in your case the number of requests was serving a big number of request per second and the default nginx worker was spending too much time blocked on disk IO.

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