Nginx – Does any Certificate Authority support both SAN and wildcards


My basic quandry is that wildcard certificates don't support subdomains of subdomains, nor do they help with alternate domain names. Basically, if my CN is, I want a Subject Alternative Name field that looks roughly like so: DNS* DNS:* DNS:* DNS:*

Using a self-signed cert, I verified that the browsers will work just fine with this.

Unfortunately, none of the Certificate Authorities that I looked into (Thawte, GoDaddy, Verisign, Digicert) seemed to support both wildcard certs and Subject Alternative Name (sometimes referred to as "Multiple Domain UCC"). I even called up GoDaddy tech support to confirm. Is there a CA (trusted by 99% of browsers) that supports wildcards for the Subject Alternative Name?

Best Answer

Digicert Premium Wildcards support up to 10 (I think) SANs per duplicate. I'm sure others do as well.