Nginx – Does uwsgi workers share a common memory ? [ With Nginx ]


I have configured my Nginx with Django uwsgi.

When the django server starts, it reads a 5MB file from the hard-disk.

Without Nginx with Django default server

python runserver => Runs immediately and starts serving pages.


With Nginx as the server

It takes very long time and several HTTP 504 before it start serving pages.

So, How does uwsgi workers work with Nginx ?

I have:

4 Workers
512 Threads each

So, is the 5MB file getting read 512 * 4 times ?

Is there a possible work around for this in Nginx / Uwsgi ?

Best Answer

A total of 2048 threads ??? Are you sure you have the resources to maintains such a beast ? You will need to heavy tune your kernel too.

By the way if you read the file in the WSGI entry point it will be read only on startup (and then forked()).