Nginx Error 502 when uploading large images


The environment:

  • Fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04 on a 256MB VPS
  • LEMP stack with PHP 7.1
  • Latest WordPress install with Avada theme & associated plugins only.
  • At least 75MB of RAM free when not uploading

The error:

  • Getting 502 errors when uploading large images ~8MB and 24MP. The server receives the file okay, but returns the error when processing thumbnails.
  • I used this server to explore possible self-hosting image solutions, so I also installed Lychee temporarily, and the same situation occurs when uploading images.

Nginx Log:

recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream,

PHP7.1-FPM Log:

[pool www] child 451 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL)

Nginx Config:

Nginx Site Config:

PHP.ini –

Things I've tried but no avail:

  • Used sockets instead of TCP
  • Implemented fast_cgi params in both the nginx.conf and the site config
  • Increased WordPress memory limit in wpconfig.php
  • Increased PHP memory limit in PHP.ini
  • Increased execution time

Thanks for any help and insight that you can provide!

Best Answer

There is not enough information in question, but I think your php-fpm process killed by OOM-killer during thumbnail processing. You could check it by command dmesg | grep kill. There is two way to solve this issue, increase RAM or add swap, see instruction there.

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