Nginx error mapping


How can I map error codes/pages in nginx to my more descriptive file names?


I have a dir with errors like 404-NotFound that I would like to easily map the 404 error code to in nginx. I do not want to have to specify each error_page mapping by hand as it would be tedious. It would also bloat the conf file because it would have to be done for each server.

I already have a map setup but new to nginx and can't figure out how to get it all to work together.

(All my error pages start with the error code so, in fact, I would rather have some way for the file to be automatically found since there is only one file per error code.

e.g., error 404 is mapped to file 404-NotFound.html and it would be nice if I didn't have to specify this but somehow it detected automatically.)

I would also like to support multiple languages…

Best Answer

error_page can contain variables in URI part but not in codes, so anyway it would require you to explicitly set that list. In decent Nginx versions (1.3.2, 1.2.2) variable $status appeared, allowing to approach your aim in a way like this:

error_page 404 403 … @err;

location @err {
    try_files /html/error/$status.html /html/error/default.html;
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