Nginx – Experience in migrating from Apache to nginx


I'd like to get some feedback about a migration From Apache to nginx. My goal is to reduce the memory footprint of the web server. Currently, I use the following modules.features on Apache:

  • multiple virtual hosts
  • Server Side Include
  • Fast CGI

Please share your experience: problems during migration, benefits after migration (was it worth it?), useful modules for nginx, etc.

Best Answer

In my experience, it is well worth it. Take for example, a Magento store (which is well known for being slow in general). I was able to get an over 100% improvement in response time by switching to nginx + php-fcgi/php-fpm + apc. At this point, unless there is a must have feature in Apache that is not available elsewhere (I doubt this will really happen in practice), I would always go with an nginx based config.

Here's my writeup for Magento. HTH.

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