Nginx – Expire 410 responses in nginx


Browsers cache 410 Gone responses indefinitely by default. An accidental 410 can kill the URL forever. The URL might be also resurrected later for other reasons. I would like to set expires for 410s to force browser refresh time to time. Is there a way to do it with nginx?

server {
    # ...
    error_page 410 /errors/410.html;
    location /errors/ {
        expires 1h;
    location = /some/file {
        expires 1h;
        return 410;

The above config results in responses without any cache control directives.

Best Answer

HTTP 410, according to Wikipedia, means

410 Gone - Indicates that the resource requested is no longer available and will not be available again.

You should use a more suitable response code. 444 "connection closed without response" or 404 "not found" might be more suitable, but this is something for you to look into.

I don't tend to use expires much in Nginx, I add headers. This gives me more control, being able to specify things like s-maxage, which controls shared cache max age. That requires the headers_more module to be compiled in, which it is by default for some platforms.

add_header Cache-Control "public, max-age=691200, s-maxage=691200";