Nginx geoipblocking & allowing LAN IPs


I'd like to block IPs with geoip except whitelisted countries AND the local area network.
The first part works flawless, the second one not.
Somwehere searching the internet I found the codes LH (local host) and LN (local network), but they are both not working.

I'm using the standard howto code for the blocking.

The relevant http {} part in nginx.conf:

geoip_country /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat;
   map $geoip_country_code $allowed_country {
    default no;                              
    US yes;

The relevant server {} part in sites-available/default:

block countries
      if ($allowed_country = no) {
        return 444;

Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


$geoip_country_code variable returns "-" on LAN IP access, but adding "- yes;" to the geoip_county block doesn't work either.

Best Answer

I found a solution - no idea if it's 'clean'. Just overwrite the $allowed_country variable if a lan IP condition was matched before.

geo $lan-ip {
default no; yes;

and this block before the "#block countries" part

if ($lan-ip = yes) {
set $allowed_country yes;