Nginx – How to Get List of User-Agents from Nginx Log


I have nginx log file, and I want to find out market share for each major version of browsers. I am not interested in minor versions and operating systems. I would like to get something like this:

100 IE6
 99 IE7
 20 IE8
200 FF2
300 FF3

I know how to get the list of user agents from the file, but I want to aggregate the list to see only the major versions of the browsers. Is there a tool that does it?

Best Answer

awk -F'"' '/GET/ {print $6}' /var/log/nginx-access.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
  • awk(1) - selecting full User-Agent string of GET requests
  • cut(1) - using first word from it
  • sort(1) - sorting
  • uniq(1) - count
  • sort(1) - sorting by count, reversed

PS. Of course it can be replaced by one awk/sed/perl/python/etc script. I just wanted to show how rich unix-way is.