Nginx – How to configure nginx to return 429 http code when rate limiting


How do I configure nginx to return http status code 429 (Too Many Requests) instead of the default 503 (Service Unavailable) when throttling/rate limiting?

FYI, I'm using nginx as a reverse proxy with the HttpLimitReqModule. The draft spec for 429 status code is RFC6585.

This (closed) question on stackexchanged shows that it is possible to use the error_page directive. However, I don't want to return a 429 if there really is a server problem (not the customer hitting us too much) and the server should be returning 503 Service Unavailable.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Good news, with Version 1.3.15

we have the "limit_req_status" and "limit_conn_status" directives. I just tested them on Gentoo Linux (note that you need to have the modules limit_req and limit_con compiled in).

With these settings I think you can achieve what you've asked for:

limit_req_status 429;
limit_conn_status 429;

I have verified this with a quick:

ab2 -n 100000 -c 55 "

On which most request failed after activating the directive due to the high request rate and the configured limit in nginx:

limit_req zone=api burst=15 nodelay;