Nginx – How to fix NginX/Phusion/Passenger “zsh:1: no such file or directory: passenger/buildout/agents/SpawnPreparer”


Hopefully this is the correct site to ask this question.

I've got a webservice I'm attempting to set up using NginX with Phusion Passenger riding a Ruby Sinatra application. The problem is that when I try to start the server and test the site, I get the following error:

zsh:1: no such file or directory: passenger/buildout/agents/SpawnPreparer

Now, I've been able to determine that SpawnPreparer is calling zsh, although, I'm not sure why. I don't even use zsh and I wasn't using it when I built the server. Nevertheless, what I'd like to know is if it's possible to configure passenger in the nginx.conf to use a different shell with which to spawn its processes? If so, how?

This is Phusion 4.0.14


Best Answer

When Phusion Passenger spawns an application, it does so by invoking the command $SHELL -lc '/path-to-passenger-root/buildout/agents/SpawnPreparer /path-to-passenger-root/helper-scripts/rack-loader.rb <SOME ARGUMENTS>'. It's described here: Here, $SHELL is the user's shell, as configured in the OS's user database (/etc/passwd). In your case, your user is setup with zsh as its shell. This is probably your OS's default setting.

Your error message indicates that it cannot execute the file passenger/buildout/agents/SpawnPreparer. In other words, Phusion Passenger thinks that /path-to-passenger equals passenger. This probably means that you set the incorrect value for the passenger_root directive, which dictates the proper value of /path-to-passenger.