Nginx – How to get nginx-botsearch of Fail2Ban to match a string but also not match that same string if it has additional trailing characters


System is Ubuntu 16.04. Using fail2ban from the package manager (which is currently 0.9.3-1). Have enabled nginx-botsearch in jail.local.

Here is my /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-botsearch.local (note that nginx-botsearch depends on botsearch-common):


before = botsearch-common.conf
after = botsearch-common.local


failregex = ^<HOST> \- \S+ \[\] \"(GET|POST|HEAD) \/<block> \S+\" 404 .+$
        ^ \[error\] \d+#\d+: \*\d+ (\S+ )?\"\S+\" (failed|is not found) \(2\: No such file or directory\), client\: <HOST>\, server\: \S*\, request: \"(GET|POST|HEAD) \/<block> \S+\"\, .*?$

ignoreregex =

Here is my /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/botsearch-common.local:


block = \/?(<webmail>|<phpmyadmin>|<wordpress>|cgi-bin|mysqladmin)[^,]*

webmail = roundcube|(ext)?mail|horde|(v-?)?webmail

phpmyadmin = (typo3/|xampp/|admin/|)(pma|(php)?[Mm]y[Aa]dmin)

wordpress = wp-(login|signup)\.php

So here's the problem. I want it to match "" or ""

and not

"" or "". I have tried using $, \n, \b, \B and any number of other things on the end of the wordpress line to no avail. Please advise how this might be accomplished.

Best Answer


failregex = ^<HOST> \- \S+ \[\] \"(GET|POST|HEAD) \/<block> \S+\" 404 .+$
failregex = ^<HOST> \- \S+ \[\] \"(GET|POST|HEAD) \/<block>\S+\" 404 .+$

and change

block = \/?(<webmail>|<phpmyadmin>|<wordpress>|cgi-bin|mysqladmin)[^,]*
block = \/?(<webmail>|<phpmyadmin>|<wordpress> |cgi-bin|mysqladmin)[^,]*
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