Nginx – How To go fully IPv6 with Cloud Flare, a web server with both ipv4 and ipv6


I have setup an Nginx server in a machine which have both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses. Currently, its connected to CloudFlare and only use ipv4. I have 1 ipv4 address assigned to the web server.

Now what I want is, to become fully ipv6. Then connect to CloudFlare. So, if an ipv4 user comes to the site, CloudFlare will make sure that he can visit my ipv6 only site! Does it happen like that?

What is the best way to implement ipv6 on my server? Only ipv6 or both versions? How to implement it (In CloudFlare dns and in Nginx configuration file). Please help!

Best Answer

CloudFlare have an Automatic IPv6 Gateway feature which looks like it will proxy between IPv4 and IPv6 in both directions. You could use this to run your server on only IPv4 or only IPv6, but still provide both IPv4 and IPv6 access to users.

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