Nginx – How to proxy pass a URL in Nginx where location match is a URL and proxy pass has another URL


We have hosted some xml files in a S3 bucket on Amazon AWS. The web server is powered by Nginx. For a particular URL matching '/super-shots.xml' , Nginx must proxy pass through S3 location which is :

What I want is this (Nginx Config):

location ~* /super-shots.xml {

Result is an error:

nginx: [emerg] "proxy_pass" cannot have URI part in location given by
regular expression, or inside named location, or inside "if"
statement, or inside "limit_except" block

If I do not do a regular expression match (~*|~), then there is no syntax errors, but the page returns 404. Note that the file does not exists on system path.

I have tried looking around for solution, but most of deal with path as a match. How do I work around this?

For now, I have done a path based proxy-pass which works (given below). But, I want it with the URL match.

#Nginx Config:
location  /super-shots {

# On file system : Empty directory
mkdir $docroot/depth0/depth1/depth2/

nginx -s reload

Update 1:
Based on Alexey Ten's comment.
Sample of the Nginx Configuration can be found here

Best Answer

Have you tried simple?

location = /super-shots.xml {

You don't need anything on local file system.

Your problem is that request /super-shot.xml matches location ~* \.(js|ico|...xml.... Using = suffix we tell nginx that this exact request should be processed here and it must not look for other possible matching locations.

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