Nginx – How to use a variable in a regular expression in nginx


I've spent some time trying to find the answer before writing this question:

I have several location blocks in my nginx config file that look like this:

location ~ ^/(doc|img|bla|foo)/metadata/$ { ... }

location ~ ^/(doc|img|bla|foo)/deleted/$ { ... }

location ~ ^/(doc|img|bla|foo)/something/$ { ... }

So I thought it would be a good idea to refactor the repeated regular expression into a variable that I set in the server section (also because I know I'll have to add to it in the future), like so:

server {
     set $my_regex doc|img|blah|foo;

     # I also tried this one:
     set $my_regex "doc|img|blah|foo";

Which I would then reuse inside the location blocks:

# this doesn't have any effect
location ~ ^/($my_regex)/metadata/$ { ... }

# this one neither
location ~ ^/(\$my_regex)/deleted/$ { ... }

# and this one neither
location ~ ^/(${my_regex})/something/$ { ... }

Any idea? Thanks!

Best Answer

There is no way to use variables in location matching.

If you want it, you probably doing something wrong. In this case you could try nesting locations.

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