Nginx – How to use nginx PAM module


I would like to use nginx PAM module to authenticate a site with existing users on a FreeBSD system. I tried to use, but no luck. It's just not let me in with my usr/psw pair. 🙁

nginx conf:

location / {
        root html;
        auth_pam               "Secure Zone";
        auth_pam_service_name  "nginx";
        fastcgi_pass ;
        fastcgi_index          index.php;
        fastcgi_param          SCRIPT_FILENAME  /var/www/$fastcgi_script_name;
        include                fastcgi_params;

The nginx file in the /usr/local/etc/pam.d dir:

auth    required
account required

I would appreciate if someone could tell me a working configuration. 🙂

Best Answer

Answer to a very old question, but I was able to confirm that this does work so this might help. This allows an nginx location to be authenticated against the local server account names. YMMV.

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • nginx 1.14 (which includes the http_auth_pam module)
nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)

Create /etc/pam.d/nginx and add the line:

@include common-auth

Within your nginx config:

location /secure {
        auth_pam                "Secure zone";
        auth_pam_service_name   "nginx";

and the magic sauce is:

sudo usermod -aG shadow www-data

Check in the nginx.conf for the account used in with the user www-data. It can sometimes be configured to nobody.

Restart nginx and bingo!

Thanks to the answers above that helped me complete this solution