Nginx – Installed php53 but still displaying php 5.1.6 in phpinfo()


I am running nginx 1.0 on centos 5.6. I had php 5.1.6 installed and running and then decided to uninstall it and switch to php 5.3. I ran the following commands:

[user@server]$ /etc/init.d/nginx stop

[user@server]$ yum remove php php-*

[user@server]$ sudo yum install php53-cli php53-common php53-devel php53-gd php53-mbstring php53-mysql php53-soap php53-xml php53-xmlrpc php53-bcmath php53-snmp

[user@server]$ /etc/init.d/nginx start

Now, when I view the output of phpinfo() in a browser, it still reads 'PHP Version 5.1.6'.

What step(s) did I miss?

Best Answer

PHP does not run within Nginx, simply use your PHP init script to restart PHP and you should be good.

Other guy kinda hinted at the right thing, is it possible to split an acceptance?