Nginx – Let’s Encrypt Nginx-plugin installation and usage


Let's Encrypt just released their open beta, which is great.

I'm using Nginx as a webserver and I know that Let's Encrypt so far only supports Nginx via plugin.

Now the problem is this:
I'm not quite sure how I should install and use that plugin.

I've been trying to run it with this command, referred from their documentation :

./letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone -d -d

And changed –standalone to nginx ofc

No matter how I've tried, the result answer is always the same:

$ The requested nginx plugin does not appear to be installed

Any ideas how to make nginx and Let's Encrypt work together?


Best Answer

Time passes and it seems that now

letsencrypt-auto certonly --standalone

now works as expected

The README.rst supplied as part of the git repo you reference in your question has this to say

  • nginx/0.8.48+ (highly experimental, not included in letsencrypt-auto)

Erm ... that's it.

Iain's reading manuals as a service (RMAAS) at your erm ... service