Nginx location fall through and matching


I've got something like the following:

server {

    location /media/ {
       alias /home/my/media/;
       expires 1h;

    location / {
        include fastcgi_params;

I'd like to add a second /media/ location block that catches just css and js files and sets expires to max.

Ideally I'd like to also process the existing /media/ block. i.e. I just want to override expires but also process any directives in the main block.

Best Answer

Using a nested location will allow you to do what you want: Also, when the location matches the suffix of your alias directive, it's more efficient to just use root:

location /media/ {
  root /home/my;
  expires 1h;

  location ~ \.(css|js)$ {
    expires max;

If the real config doesn't have the matching /media/, you can change that back to an alias. This approach also has the advantage of not trying to match the regex for every request, only for those that start with /media/.

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