NginX Log Rotation


I am serving a couple different domains through NginX on the same server and they each log to their own file. I need to set up a script to rotate, and compress these files and add it to cron.

I know I have to do something to get NginX to open a new log file once I move the old one. Can someone give me the procedure for safely rotating nginx log files? I'm guessing I need to use logrotate, how do I configure it?


  • Ubuntu 9.04 server ed.
  • nginx/0.7.61

Best Answer

It has become a sort-of informal semi-standard among Unix daemons that they flush and/or rotate their log files, when you send them a hangup signal (SIGHUP). Nginx doesn't follow this convention to the letter, but it responds to the USR1 signal the same way, as is documented on the Nginx website under the title Log Rotation.

So, you could try something like

kill -s USR1 `pidof nginx`